A letter to Mom

Dear Ama,

       I’m always hoping that you are doing well and your health is better hai. I know I hardly call you but there are no single day where I may not have missed you honestly and I’m really sorry for that hai but you don’t forget to call me so, I’m always happy for that. I know you can’t read this message and it may remain as a mystery for some time but I‘ll make sure to convey you my this message one fine day hai, sooner or later and to say about me, I'm doing good here so, no worries hai.  

People have remarked this day as a mothers’ day, but for me every day is a mothers’ day as I feel that a single day is never enough to show our gratitude and thank our mothers for their love and care towards their child.

I know I have gone through lots of hard times, moments, situations and struggle due some chaos in our family when I was young but I take it all positively as a life lesson and, that things actually gave me more confident to face this crazy world, but comparing to your immense hardships and immense struggle to reach me up to this point of my life, mine seems nothing at all.

Seeing you getting sick and going through lots of pains scares me every moment as I even can’t imagine my life without you and seeing you getting older every moments makes me realize your all the hardships that you have gone through for us and reminds me of own responsibilities that I have to carry soon.

I know there are some mothers too who doesn’t care about their children and that’s a different thing but in general mothers are the best thing that the god have ever created. Their love, their care, their affection towards their child is completely beyond explanation.

People says, even if you carry your mother at your own back and make seven round of this whole world, your mother’s debt on you can never be paid back and I feel that’s absolutely true as mothers love and care and her deeds towards the child or the children is a thing beyond measurement. 

When a child gets hurt due to some reasons, more than that child, the mother gets pain which directly reach to their heart and I myself wonder sometime that, what can be the actual science between these things. And I truly feel that, no science can truly explain this exceptional phenomenon and can be simply named as love and affection. And it’s really amazing to see that even the animals feels the same affection towards their baby’s and there is nothing to be wondered as ‘mothers are the mothers’. It’s like the child is simply DNA extension of a mother and they are internally connected beyond the sight of any microscope and living a same soul.

With this, HAPPY MOTHERS’ DAY 2017 to all the lovely mothers in this whole universe and let your all beautiful wishes and dreams come true, especially to my Ama! Thank You so much for everything that you have given to me, love you, stay safe and take care always. See you.    


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