The Mystery

Almost ten years back in a remote primary school when I was studying in the second standard, a girl who used to come to the school from a far village opposite to my house happened to be my classmate. We were in the same class for almost three years but I had never noticed her until the last year of our departure. I never knew when I started liking her and when my feelings for her start germinating but when I realize myself I found myself having crush on her. For me she was the most beautiful and cute girl in the class and in the entire school.

In the ten years of distance, I still remember her face very clearly and her unique voice which I wonder is still same or might have changed but no wonder that I never thought of expressing my feelings for her not even in the dream. I don’t know why? May be I was afraid of losing her forever. For me if she was around me and making me happy with her smile and if she could talk to me without any hesitation and I too could do the same thing but if I have had failed in digesting my feelings for her and expressed to her, there was a very high chance that I would have lost her forever, even when she was around me.

I cannot remember how my grate two session went and when did I see  her in the school for the last time since I had no idea that, that year 2004 would be my last year in that school with her. The long winter break divided us and I came to my mother’s home which was almost 15 miles away from the school. I used to stay at my far cousin uncle’s home which was just a half mile away from the school. That was the time when I realized myself how tough is to stay at others house and study. I would never recommend keeping ones child at others house and let them study no matter how close they are. It’s never like one’s own house and parents. A child suffers a lot besides the parents eyes.

Back to my home and after a long break mom told that she is going to take me with her to wangdue due to some circumstances and accommodation problems, for my further studies as her job was in wangdue and more over she was not comfortable with leaving me at others house. I was happy on hearing that news but worried in deep inside. The pain of leaving the lovely village and coming to urban area was a new thing for me. In that worries I lost her for some time. Finally the break ended and mom came to pick me up with her from wangdue. Before actually coming to wangdue, I wonder if had ever heard of it’s the name also.

When we reached at wangdue a totally new place for me, I could feel the intense blow of wind as soon as I stepped down from the taxi. Then I joined in wangdue LSS in 3rd standard in 2005 with quite difficulty and that first year was my toughest school life after class PP. Our life was quite tough that time. Many a times I saw her in my dreams which shows that I still couldn’t forget her. I heard that she is continuing her studies in that school only. The year ended somehow, mom and me; we went to our village for the vacation. Again after a month we were to come back. Our village was a two and half hours walk from the main high way(burichu-doban) to Damphu. To be cont...

                                                             D.K Thulung Rai


  1. Very inspiring post coming everyday~ Continue blogging~

  2. sure..! thank u..for the look and same goes to u too..keep blogging im updating urs too

  3. i couldn't update for few days due to the network problem..i'm so sorry if any readers tried to search the continuation of my last post before...i finally could update it today..! thank u all

  4. Quite sad story sir. Enjoyed reading your story. keep pouring sir.

  5. thank u la sir Wangdi..! n yea..i'll be pouring continuously for


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