"My First Trip to Phuntsholing"

In-front of Gopi Mon Mela When I came to study in Wangdue in 2005 from Tsirang , that time I was in third standard. When I reached to fourth standard, from that moment only I had a strong eagerness of visiting Phuntsholing with my mom but due to several circumstances we could not visit till the date mentioned below. But finally this year we decided to go and do my school shopping as well. The entire January I was in the house eating, sleeping and watching TV. When the February approached I had a strong pressure that we would not get the bus ticket as people were saying that all the tickets were already being reserved, but we managed to get the ticket of 7 th Feb but again we had a tension that we would not get the ticked to return back. Luckily my mom had a friend down there and she managed to get the ticket for us and also for herself on time, as she also works with my mom in the same place. The Mela The Rotating Wheel During the journey of 236 KM from Wangdue ...