JNEC –Article II

Though the college was established in 1970s, I feel that the college is still unfamiliar to many of the young students and also the adults of the nation. Taking the example myself, I heard the name Poly for the very first time, only when I was in eleventh standard that also with unsure location.  Even now whenever I chat with my friends, juniors and other Bhutanese, many of them don’t know about the JNEC but that doesn’t mean that JNEC is not doing good,  it may be due to the location and the changing name of the college and I feel that it’s our duty to make the name of the college renowned and familiar to everyone as a student of the JNEC.

The college is headed by the Director supported by the three Deans namely, Dean of Academic Affairs, Dean of student Affairs and the Dean of Research and Industrial Linkages, Administration and Finance officers directly under him. The college provides eight different courses with one Bachelor degree programme and seven other diploma courses. The degree course is of four years course and the diploma courses are of two years course. The courses provided by the college are as follows;

Bachelor Degree in Power Engineering
Diploma in Civil Engineering
Diploma in Electrical Engineering
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
Diploma in Electronics and Communication Engineering
Diploma in Surveying
Diploma in Hardware and Networking and
Diploma in Materials and procurement Management.

The Courses are divided into five departments and they are Department of Civil Engg. and Surveying, Department of Electrical Engg., Department of Mechanical Egg., Department of Information and Technology, and lastly the Department of Humanities and Management. The departments are headed by each HoDs.

The college takes both the regular and in-services students with certain selection and admission criterias. The college also takes both the full scholarship and the self -finance students. The tuition fees for the self-finance and in-service students is Nu.86,360 p.a with college mess and hostel rent of Nu.1,350 and Nu.150 p.m respectively. 

The college has four different houses namely Tag, Sing, Chung and Druk headed by the House masters and two councilors, from which one is Asst. councilor. The college has also many important and interesting clubs such as Helping Hand Club which collects some Amounts, usable old cloths and stuffs and gives to the nearby villagers to support them, Entrepreneurship club, Waste management club, Media club and Rover Scout, which are purely coordinated by the Students with the guidance from the lectures and other faculties. There are total of 14 councilors form the student body headed by one chief councilor and one girls’ councilor (woman representative).

In a week, there will be two college general assembly which is generally held in the college M.P hall with two houses on monday and two other houses on friday. The morning classes’ starts form 8:00 am from morning except for Monday and Friday which starts from 10 and ends at four-six in the evening with one hour of lunch break at 12.

The college hostel has total of 16 blocks starting from A-P from which A-J are boarding hostels and the rest are self-catering hostels and two new blocks under constructions. Out of 16 blocks 3 blocks are girls’ hostel (one boarding and 2 self-catering) and rest are all boys’ hostels. The hostels are looked after by 4 Provost including one chief Provost and one matron. The college or students’ mess is solely managed by the students’ body or the mess representatives from each class.
The college has very good sport facilities including archery range, long tennis, futsal ground and two basketball courts except swimming pool and the gym. 

The college has total students of 826, coincidentally 413 in first year and 413 in the second year.

College Vision

“A premier Institute of applied engineering, management and technology towards developing highly competent and innovative technical personnel infused with the values of Gross National Happiness.”

College Missions

§  To provide quality education, driven by GNH values, in the field of applied engineering, management and technology that are current and beneficial to individuals, employers and the nation;
§  To conduct research & innovation in relevant areas;
§  To provide resourceful services through professional development training, consultancy and expert services; and

§  To develop active linkages with organizations and academic institutions both within and outside the country.

For more information please visit our college website @  www.jnec.edu.bt  , thank you.


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