Captainship election for 2014 in BHSS
Today we had the captainship
election where we were the VIPs as we are the main candidates. I felt really honored
and privilege to be one of them. At the morning we gave our speech to all the
Bajo-family sharing our plans and our promises for the well-being of our school
and all the students. I thought someone will be calling our names and according
that to we have to go in the front to give the speech. Last time when they were
announcing the nominee’s names, mine was at the middle that time, I thought we
will be following that sequence, so I was relaxingly standing at the side of
all the boys but suddenly, present school captain (Bumika Tamang) announced “we will start our speech from that
side..!” and she was looking at me, I was once shocked when I heard that. I
went up to the podium and gave my speech in dzongkha
niggchang (pure dzongkha) for two minutes as we are given only two minutes
to share our manifestoes and ask for votes.

Today’s election was like the
real election as all the e-voting machines were there, polling stations and
polling officers were also there. All the stations was arranged in the MPH, students
were voting with their full confidences as during the morning, Lopen Tshering Gyeltshen showed us demo
on how to use e-voting machines. We were also given the chance to vote for our-self.
We started voting at around 11:00 AM till 4:00 PM (started with class 12). All
the staffs (both teaching & non-teaching) were also allowed to vote for us.
I think they will be announcing
the election result in the assembly tomorrow. I have no idea whether I will be
elected or not but I am very excited to see the next year’s school captain and
various house captains. And I hope that the best and most capable one will be
elected as the school captain.
Thulung Rai
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