Welcome matches at Jnp

Yesterday we had a thrilling welcome matches between the first and second years, both girls and boys. First match was played between the girls. At the first sight we thought that our first year girls are playing a losing battle but they played well and lost by only one goal though the second year’s girls were all good players. We really enjoyed the girls match.

The second match was played between the first year boys and the second year’s boys. Though our first year boys were selected through the lucky tip system and playing for the first time in a new ground, they played well, I should say. The second year’s team were all set and our team members don’t even knew the team members name and calling ‘charo! charo!’ while playing was quite fun. 

Boys team

At the initial the match went so well and the second year’s boys were having quite tough time against the first year’s team but unfortunately we lost by three goals at the end, so sad but they could at least score one goal and made all the first year students proud.

Though it was friendly match, it was quite thrilling and interesting too. As an audience accompanied our Director sir, we all had a great time watching them playing.


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